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Mon, 26 Nov 2012 This video demonstrates how to recall emails directly from Exchange 2007/2010 Outlook Web App OWA. We install the WinDeveloper Message Recall OWA extension and see how to block email delivery in just a few clicks. Tue, 13 Nov 2012 Today I have some great news! A new IMF Tune release with native Exchange 2013 support is on the way. IMF Tune v6.1 will support all Exchange versions from 2003 to 2013. Mon, 08 Oct 2012 In IMF Tune, whitelisting takes priority over any other SCL rating. If an email matches both a whitelist and a blacklist, the Whitelist rating is stamped as final. However occasionally we may need to setup a low priority whitelist, one that is only applied if no blacklist is matched. Here are the details on how to setup such a low priority whitelist. Tue, 17 Jul 2012 A new IMF Tune version is available for download! Version 6 is introducing native support for Forefront Protection 2010 for Exchange. IMF Tune now supports all Microsoft anti-spam engines available for Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010. Tue, 17 Jul 2012 This article discusses various upgrade/migration scenarios you may encounter when deploying IMF Tune v6.0. In both Upgrades and Migrations our primary goal is that of retaining the configuration settings of the old IMF Tune installation. Thu, 28 Jun 2012 In the past few months a number of Organizations reported login problems with the IMF Tune Web Moderator/Reporting interface. The problem is limited to users who do not have administrative access to the Quarantine system. Here we provide more details and solutions to this problem. Wed, 02 May 2012 IMF Tune build is now available for download. This release adds support for Microsoft SQL 2012. Wed, 18 Apr 2012 The IMF Tune Moderator/Reporting interface very often provides access to thousands of emails. At the same time new emails are being added to the backend database. This requires the system to be very responsive. Here are some recommendations on how to install and configure this component with performance in mind. Thu, 29 Mar 2012 IMF Tune provides tools to automatically manage Quarantine Database growth. Despite that, sometimes you may need to force a cleanup. There is no one click solution for that. However a simple workaround is available that will allow you to achieve this goal. Mon, 13 Feb 2012 The IMF Tune v5.6 Moderator/Reporting relies on an MS SQL database backend. Here records on quarantined emails and reporting are stored. With time you may need to move the database to new hardware. Wed, 01 Feb 2012 For many years MS Outlook has been providing the 'Recall This Message' command. However this functionality never made it into OWA. WinDeveloper OWA Recall is now bridging this gap, making recalling from OWA even more intuitive than in Outlook. Thu, 26 Jan 2012 WinDeveloper Message Recall v2.0 is made up of two components. The Message Recall Engine must be installed on Exchange Hub Transport servers. The OWA Recall extension must be installed on Client Access servers. This post shows how easy it is to get everything up and running in no time. Tue, 24 Jan 2012 WinDeveloper OWA Recall supports all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Chrome, FireFox, Opera and Safari. The MS Exchange 2007/2010 OWA interface also has its own browser support specifications. This post discusses how to access OWA Recall from various internet browsers. Thu, 19 Jan 2012 WinDeveloper Message Recall v2.0 is now available for download. In this release the star feature is the new OWA Message Recall extension. You can now recall emails sent in error directly from the MS Exchange OWA web interface! Thu, 19 Jan 2012 Recalling emails directly from Outlook Web Access is now possible. WinDeveloper Message Recall is introducing a new Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 OWA extension, allowing users to block the delivery of emails sent in error directly from their browser. |