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Wed, 08 Dec 2010 The festive season is fast approaching and WinDeveloper is working hard to finalize its IMF Tune GIFT Release! Why gift? Because this is absolutely free to all licensed IMF Tune v5.5 users. No strings attached, IMF Tune v5.5 users you will be able to run the upgrade and get an additional spam filtering boost on the house. Tue, 30 Nov 2010 WinDeveloper is launching the 'Guess who is Cheating Email Retention', awareness campaign. This is turning the spotlight on Organizations whose mail servers fail the legal compliancy test because of flawed email hygiene solutions. Fri, 12 Nov 2010 We just updated the IMF Tune Moderator Installation. This update is intended to solve a problem causing the IMF Tune Moderator installation to fail with the error: "ERROR: Installation Preparation Phase Failed. Unable to continue." Fri, 05 Nov 2010 We just released a new tool that compact IMF Tune Configuration database files eliminating unused space that may accumulate over time. This tool supports both IMF Tune version 5.0 and version 5.5. Mon, 11 Oct 2010 Are you evaluating IMF Tune, or considering upgrading to the latest release? How about a 40% discount? The IMF Tune feature set is growing fast, but the prices are going down! However you have to hurry. This offer is open until end of October. Sat, 09 Oct 2010 The IMF Tune Quarantine and Reporting system relies on a Microsoft SQL server database backend. Today we demonstrate the basic SQL server setup when running behind a firewall. We configure the database server and open the necessary ports for IMF Tune to work. Wed, 06 Oct 2010 Become a WinDeveloper Facebook fan and enter the chance of winning a 1 Year Maintenance Agreement for your IMF Tune license. Tue, 21 Sep 2010 IMF Tune is introducing a web-based quarantine and reporting interface for Microsoft Exchange mail server systems. Supporting all mainstream Exchange versions, IMF Tune is further advancing its unique anti-spam solution, leveraging the built-in Exchange spam filtering functionality. Sat, 18 Sep 2010 IMF Tune enables any anti-spam filter to integrate into Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010. Filters running on any platform, on firewall appliances, and even at external service providers, suddenly become an integral part of Exchange. Thu, 02 Sep 2010 The latest IMF Tune release introduced a new Quarantine and Reporting component. This video starts with a quick overview of the system setup. Next we take a look at the email moderation interface and some of the reports generated. Sat, 28 Aug 2010 We can confirm full support for Exchange 2010 SP1 with IMF Tune v5.0 and v5.5. Testing for the latest Exchange 2010 SP1 is now completed. No issues were identified and thus can confirm support for the newly released Exchange Service Pack. Thu, 26 Aug 2010 IMF Tune v5.5 Final Release is here! The Release Candidate build successfully passed all testing and is being classified as Final. We are retaining the same build ( that was made available last July as the Final Release. Thus if you already installed the Release Candidate there is no need to upgrade. Otherwise go ahead and start downloading IMF Tune v5.5 now! Mon, 19 Jul 2010 IMF Tune v5.5 Release Candidate, build number, is now available for download. We are very satisfied with the adoption rate of the first v5.5 build and worked on your feedback. The first beta proved to be very solid. This allowed us to focus on implementing the changes most important for a smooth deployment experience. Mon, 19 Jul 2010 We just updated the IMF Tune Screenshots section highlighting the top features available in version 5.5. If the saying is true, here you have the equivalent of 27,000 words. Wed, 14 Jul 2010 The IMF Tune Moderator/Reporting Web Component displays date and time information in various parts of the interface. Different countries have differing methods for formatting such information. For example in US the short date format used is M/d/yyyy. In the UK the format dd/MM/yyyy is used instead. Thu, 08 Jul 2010 The latest IMF Tune PDF Manuals are available for download. These will be included in the final IMF Tune v5.5 release build. Apart for updating the main server configuration guide we now have a new guide exclusively focusing on the Installation, Configuration and Usage of the Moderator/Reporting Web Interface. Grab your copy now! Thu, 01 Jul 2010 For the system to work IMF Tune requires an SQL Server that supports both Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication. This is sometimes referred to as mix authentication mode. In case SQL Authentication is not enabled, IMF Tune will be unable to upload any emails to the database server. Tue, 29 Jun 2010 Upgrading to IMF Tune server v5.5 may involve an in-place upgrade or a move to new server hardware. This is especially true because IMF Tune v5.5 supports all of Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010. Since Exchange version upgrades require migration to new hardware, IMF Tune would also need to move along. Mon, 28 Jun 2010 The IMF Tune Web interface provides a mix of email moderation and reporting functionality. In this document we take a closer look at how to use this interface. Wed, 23 Jun 2010 The IMF Tune v5.5 server configuration includes the necessary interface for administering the Web Moderator/Reporting component. This document goes through the configuration elements relevant to this component. Sun, 20 Jun 2010 The new IMF Tune v5.5 release introduces the Moderator/Reporting ASP.NET web interface. This component introduces new installation scenarios that are explored in this document. Wed, 09 Jun 2010 We are pleased to announce the availability of IMF Tune v5.5 BETA. The new release introduces significant improvements and is now available for download. Fri, 05 Feb 2010 There is yet another spam wave that is causing head scratching to some of you. Blocking this type of spam is very easy with IMF Tune. All you need is to setup a Simple SCL Rule matching the VIAGRA keyword. Tue, 12 Jan 2010 We are pleased to announce IMF Tune v5.0 final release. Earlier this week we started distributing the latest build ( and this is now available for public download. Tue, 12 Jan 2010 IMF Tune v5 introduces two new condition/exception types. In this article we discuss how these can be employed in order to construct better filtering rules. |